Sunday, April 11, 2010

president obama to you

is it just me, or do people refer to president obama as mr. obama?? i have never heard presidents in the past referred to as mister, so why now? why with president obama?
i know why. somehow when we are talking about the president of the united states, implicit and systemic racism shouldn't play a role in showing respect for the fact that barack obama is not just a mister, but our president. there is no reason not to refer to him as president obama. it is so disrespectful, and full of white supremacy to refer to past presidents with president in their title while not doing to it for our current president.
our current president is black. and our president. he is both. one does not negate the other. it's sad that racism is so prevalent. even in newscasters who are supposed to report news in an unbiased way. if there really was no bias, this wouldn't happen. president obama would be called president just as every president before him.
however, racism does exist. we know because the power of a black man is denied when his positionality is denied. somehow, president obama is less than all the other men who served as president. the only thing that really sets him apart from other presidents is his race. so, what other conclusion is there?
we are in this repetition; reinforced to believe that it is okay to deny people of color true equality and true respect.